

'People Want People Who Want People' was coined as a mantra on the remote islands of Orkney in summer 2019. Guided by Fulmars, the 'Scrabster to Stromness' ferry meandered through the steep jurassic cliffs of the Mainland. The gliding sea birds, the treeless landscape and expanse of sea gave me a sense of entering into a new universe. The luminous 9pm sunset added an alien glow. I was wild camping all summer with only nature for solace. I'd left people behind.

Days later, at the Kirkwall harbour I sang the words "People Want People Who Want People". I'd been reading Amy Liptrot's 'Outrun', about rediscovery of place, and recovery of oneself. This lent greater depth to my understanding of Orkney folklore; generations of people and culture, myths and Orcadian legacies infiltrated my mind. 

The following spring, a week into lockdown, I found myself returning to the above memory. Singing last summer's refrain "People Want People Who Want People", I decided to develop its meaning with the intention of it crystallising into a song. Now that we have isolation forced upon us, what started off as a mantra about finding solace in a remote place began to take on new connotations. At its core the song is about connection, reflection and the perpetual struggle of finding meaning but keeping light.

Perhaps we're all finally facing up to ourselves, to our own mortality. To a hairless future. After all, losing hair just isn't fair.

Words by James Madden


People want people who want people,
It's never too late.
Losing hair isn't fair, best dressing people,
Keep meaning light.
Take a sip, keep it lit, all fair and equal
Let's get things straight.

You've been trying to keep it together,
Light as a feather,
Endure all weather,
But that's not enough.

People want people who want people,
It's never too late.
Losing hair isn't fair, best dressing people,
Keep meaning light.
Take a sip, keep it lit, all fair and equal
To get things straight.

Take respite in the simplest of pleasures,
Diving for treasure,
Keep fit with leisure,
It's just enough.

People want people who,
Losing hair isn't fair,
People want people who,
It's never too late,
To get things straight.



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